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Sightings Blog


Monday 10th June

It was a cool and breezy day today, but there was sunshine and a flat sea, so perfect for our Bay Discovery and Ocean Discovery trips. We could see the white waves and the swell further offshore so kept close to the coast. On this morning’s Bay Discovery we sailed past St Michael’s Mount before…

Saturday 1st June

Wow, it’s June already so soon. It was a beautiful day today with hazy sunshine and far less wind. This morning we had a fab Bay Discovery trip – quite soon out of Penzance we spied a mass of feeding birds. These were all sorts, including different species of gulls, a few gannets, shags and…

Friday 31st May

We had to cancel yesterday because of the strong northerly wind, and it was still pretty breezy today. This is an offshore wind though, so close to the coast at least, it doesn’t make for rough conditions. On the morning Ocean Discovery we found some more Risso’s dolphins – a pair this time. They were…

Monday 27th May

We had an Ocean Discovery followed by a Bay Discovery today. The third trip was postponed until Friday because of the rain. We still had strong wind to contend with, but were able to head out to the productive areas we found yesterday. Seabird activity was again pretty awesome  with flocking shearwaters and diving gannets…

Sunday 26th May

It was extremely breezy today, so while sailing conditions were exciting, spotting conditions were difficult. It was all there though. This morning as we sailed out of the bay in the distance we saw masses of whirling diving seabirds and found a massive feeding frenzy. On the way we had a brief encounter with a…

Friday 24th May

We had a lovely three hour trip this afternoon in really calm conditions. Despite the gloom on land, offshore the sun was out. We found three seals hauled out on the island, including our favourites Kelp and Seaweed. This is the 17th year in a row we have seen Kelp in this location – truly…

Wednesday 22nd May

We had a two hour trip with the charity Whale and Dolphin Conservation this morning (WDC) and some of their guests. The breeze was certainly stronger than it has been recently so we had a pretty good sail (with reefed sails!). On the island we saw Seaweed the grey seal dozing on a rock, with…

Monday 20th May

Everything was very quiet and sleepy this afternoon, including the weather! Firstly we watched a quiet sleepy seal on the island as the tide rose, before he reluctantly slid back into the water. Further south at one of our very reliable cetacean spots we found a small group of common dolphins, which again were resting…

Sunday 19th May

We had a super long day today, with a three hour followed by a four hour trip, and the four hour was more like five hours! The reason for this is the amount of wildlife out there at the moment – it’s more on July levels than May. This morning was the quieter half  of…

Saturday 11th May

We had two Ocean Discovery boat trips today. On the morning tour we found two pods of common dolphins. The first juvenile pod came racing in to bow ride giving a fantastic encounter. We watched the second group, which was made up of mother’s and calves from a distance initially before they also came over…