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Sightings Blog


Saturday 19th October

We had a lovely trip in the sunshine this morning with some local people from St Ives and a family of visiting Texans. There was a punchy swell running ahead of the incoming wind and left behind from yesterday’s wind, but it was a great weather window. We watched some seals on and around the…

Thursday 17th October

It was bright and mild today but breezy with a bit of a swell. On our Ocean Discovery trip this morning we saw two groups of grey seals hauled out on the island as the tide got lower – as it was a really big spring tide it got very low indeed. These were a…

Monday 14th October

Today was living proof that you don’t need sunshine and calm blue seas to have an amazing trip. We took some students from Cornwall College Newquay out this afternoon, and there were grey skies, a bit of mizzle and some rolling southwesterly swell. However the sightings were fantastic. After watching a couple of seals bobbing…

Saturday 12th October

It was a dark, dingy morning but the rain held off for our Bay Discovery trip. There was a small juvenile seal tucked away on a rock on the island, and some big bluefin tuna jumping near Lamorna. Autumn is really the time to be seeing their antics from the shore – all along the…

Friday 11th October

We had a lovely Ocean Discovery trip today in the autumn sunshine. It was quiet for the first half and hour or so, then we started spotting fins, and lots of them! We found seven pods of common dolphins in the end , and most appeared to be adults this time. They were doing a…

Thursday 9th October

We had an Ocean Discovery trip this morning before the wind built too much. There was a bit of a swell running from the onshore wind this week, but it was fine for a trip. We had great views of common dolphins who kept us company as we sailed. There were also some lovely views…

Thursday 3rd October

We had a three hour Ocean Discovery trip this morning in sunny breezy conditions, with ten keen interested passengers on board. It was a little choppy, but we had a great trip. There are still Cory’s shearwaters around, along with lots of feeding gannets and kittiwakes. There were several seals hauled out on the island,…

Wednesday 2nd October

We had a Discovery Voyage today and conditions were pretty good. There were cetaceans around though they were fairly tricky to photograph – a small group of common dolphins then a group of porpoises at the end. There were plenty of seals hauled out on the island. It was the seabirds who were most spectacular…

Tuesday 1st October

There was a bit of a northerly breeze for this afternoon’s trip, but the swell height has dropped astonishingly given that 48 hours ago Mount’s Bay was getting absolutely battered from Storm No Name. We headed out with 12 well wrapped up passengers but it wasn’t actually that cold. We found five seals hauled out…

Saturday 28th September

We had what might be our last long day of the season today with a four hour followed by a three hour trip. There was some rolling swell, but wind conditions were nice and calm which meant we could easily see the wildlife around. There were astonishing numbers of porpoises around all day, in large…