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dolphin watching

Tuesday 15th August

It was such a relief today to have sunny calm weather – all day long! And luckily we did because we had 2 three hour trips followed by an evening two hour trip. We saw lots of common dolphins on all three of the trips, along with many hauled out grey seals on the low…

Monday 14th August

It was so choppy this morning after the overnight wind that we sadly had to cancel the morning trip. However it did calm down enough and the wind switched through the morning for us to run the afternoon Ocean Discovery, and we had a really good trip. We found grey seals at the island and…

Monday 7th August

We had excellent views today of a minke whale feeding in the bay with common dolphins all day. The minke’s blow was very visible from a fair distance away which caused some initial discussion about the species ID but it was a minke. The bay was full of dolphins in small groups here there and…

Thursday 3rd August

We had a very busy day today with three trips in strong northerly wind. This pushed a lot of those pelagic seabirds which have been feeding in the bay lately further offshore, where we couldn’t go! There were still thousands of Manx shearwaters inshore though, and also some storm petrels and fulmars. We saw common…

Saturday 29th July

Today was a very exciting day at Marine Discovery. So much wind meant that the four hour trip this morning was again shortened to a three hour, however the wildlife sightings were phenomenal. Sailing on the way to the island we found some common dolphins initially before watching the seals on the island. Heading offshore…

Thursday 26th July

Yet another four hour trip was reduced to three hours this morning, due to fog this time. That cleared by 10am and we were able to head out. There was plenty of wildlife to see – common dolphins (the Risso’s appear to have moved away now), grey seals, a bluefin tuna leaping right next to…

Wednesday 26th July

Well what unbelievably awful weather. Luckily for us and our fantastic, hardy guests today, the wildlife sightings were unbelievably awesome. Because of the rain, the four hour was shortened to a three hour trip, though sea conditions weren’t too bad. Right from the outset there were common dolphins everywhere! In fact it’s the most we…

Friday 21st July

It was another day of great sightings. We had two 3 hour Ocean Discovery trips – it’s starting to get really busy now the holidays are here. This morning we encountered loads of common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins further offshore and another minke whale (no photo this time as it only surfaced once). We also saw…

Thursday 20th July

We had two excellent trips today – a four hour followed  by a three hour. The bay was full of common dolphins here there and everywhere, even before we reached Mousehole where we saw several seals hauled out and in the water. Sailing further out we picked up a large pod of Risso’s dolphins, including…

Sunday 16th July

More strong wind the last couple of days meant that we cancelled trips and shortened the four hour to a three hour this morning. There was plenty of wildlife to be found though: this morning we saw common dolphins a couple of times and we also had great views of some harbour porpoises swimming very…