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Sightings Blog

dolphin watching

Tuesday 23rd July

We had a Discovery Voyage this morning followed by an Ocean Discovery, and conditions almost couldn’t have been better. So welcome after the gloom and mizzle of yesterday. First thing we saw a small group of very elusive dolphins close inshore – they clearly didn’t want company so we left them very quickly. Looking at…

Sunday 21st July

We had a four hour followed by a two hour trip today. The morning was lovely and calm, though the wind got up in the afternoon making the sea pretty choppy. The morning saw a good variety of wildlife, including lots of grey seals, an ocean sunfish, harbour porpoises, common dolphins and then a quick…

Wednesday 17th July

We had a really varied day today.This morning we had our annual visit from a freediving club who like to combine a bit of a sail and wildlife watch with some underwater exploration. While we were looking for wildlife before the dive we found lots of common dolphins with feeding seabirds, harbour porpoises and glimpsed…

Tuesday 16th July

We had two Ocean Discovery trips today, and there was a surprising amount of swell out there. There was still plenty of wildlife to see, with lots of common dolphins and gannets feeding this morning as well as a few seals in the water. This afternoon we didn’t have to go far before a large…

Saturday 13th July

We had a hastily planned Ocean Discovery trip this afternoon – well, you can’t miss a forecast like that, especially this summer! Calm conditions helped us spot three species of cetacean, as well as grey seals hauled out. First we had some lovely views of harbour porpoises, including a mother and her calf. Then we…

Thursday 11th July

We had a great day today with two Ocean Discovery trips, lots of wildlife spotted and some big happy smiles. This morning we found a big pod of harbour porpoises in an area we used to find them frequently. They were feeding with some gannets and Josh managed to snap some of the fish in…

Saturday 22nd June

We had a couple of great trips today, a Bay Discovery this morning and a Discovery Voyage this afternoon. This morning we headed out into the middle of the bay largely under sail, and started to pick up bits of sealife about four miles south. Firstly a glimpse of a porpoises, then a common dolphin…

Monday 17th June

What an absolutely cracking day we had today. It seems as though summer has finally arrived with a shift in the airflow and warmer temperatures. In the sea as well, we are starting to see blue jellyfish and ocean sunfish, a sure sign that the fronts have come closer in from offshore. We found three…

Wednesday 12th June

After a couple of weeks of saying “We have normally seen sunfish by now – but there have been none so far” today we saw three in one morning. A decade ago we used to see so many during the summer, but they have been steadily decreasing the last three years or so. We got…

Saturday 1st June

Wow, it’s June already so soon. It was a beautiful day today with hazy sunshine and far less wind. This morning we had a fab Bay Discovery trip – quite soon out of Penzance we spied a mass of feeding birds. These were all sorts, including different species of gulls, a few gannets, shags and…