Sunday 13th August
More windy and sometimes wet weather today but the wildlife was all there to be found. Many thanks to our awesome staff and guests as ever for braving the conditions to come out and look for it with us. On the Bay Discovery this morning it was actually a bit drier and calmer, and we…
Tuesday 8th August
More delightful summer weather today, with mizzle and murk and by the afternoon a fairly brisk westerly wind. The wildlife made up for it. This morning we had a four hour trip, and we had great views of common dolphins and a really good variety of seabirds, including storm petrels, sandwich terns, Manx, spooty and…
Sunday 6th August
After the extremely strong wind of yesterday the weather and sea had calmed down an amazing extent. We had two three hour trips, and had great views of common dolphins on both of them. This morning we found two small groups, and this afternoon quite a few more. There was a large group of seals…
Tuesday 1st August
August’s weather started as most of July has gone, with wind, rain and a bit of a sea running. However the wildlife sightings continued to be brilliant. It does seem to be the case that when we get loads of low pressure systems queuing up, it sends it some amazing wildlife. This morning for example,…
Saturday 29th July
Today was a very exciting day at Marine Discovery. So much wind meant that the four hour trip this morning was again shortened to a three hour, however the wildlife sightings were phenomenal. Sailing on the way to the island we found some common dolphins initially before watching the seals on the island. Heading offshore…
Tuesday 18th July
It was a long day today with a four hour followed by a three hour trip. This morning we had some good sailing conditions and we were able to get a long way offshore. However we didn’t need to before we found both common and Risso’s dolphins inshore. The common dolphins bowrode with us for…
Sunday 16th July
More strong wind the last couple of days meant that we cancelled trips and shortened the four hour to a three hour this morning. There was plenty of wildlife to be found though: this morning we saw common dolphins a couple of times and we also had great views of some harbour porpoises swimming very…
Thursday 13th July
Lots more common and Risso’s dolphins today on both our morning and afternoon Ocean Discovery trips. This morning the commons stayed with us for about half an hour as we gently sailed along on the breeze. Sea conditions were much nice than they have been for a while as well. We also saw grey seals…
Monday 3rd July
We were supposed to have two Ocean Discovery trips today, but it got do very windy by the end of the morning, we had to cancel the afternoon trip. And we’re pretty glad we did – it was 37mph at Land’s End this afternoon! This morning however we reefed right down and had a lovely…
Friday 30th June
After a fairly good run of weather, June has finished on rather a miserable note with a lumpy westerly sea state and some soggy drizzle! As has been the case the last few days though, the wildlife made up for it this morning, with lots of Risso’s dolphins spotted, a couple of which came over…