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Sightings Blog

Marine Discovery

Monday 10th June

It was a cool and breezy day today, but there was sunshine and a flat sea, so perfect for our Bay Discovery and Ocean Discovery trips. We could see the white waves and the swell further offshore so kept close to the coast. On this morning’s Bay Discovery we sailed past St Michael’s Mount before…

Sunday 26th May

It was extremely breezy today, so while sailing conditions were exciting, spotting conditions were difficult. It was all there though. This morning as we sailed out of the bay in the distance we saw masses of whirling diving seabirds and found a massive feeding frenzy. On the way we had a brief encounter with a…

Friday 24th May

We had a lovely three hour trip this afternoon in really calm conditions. Despite the gloom on land, offshore the sun was out. We found three seals hauled out on the island, including our favourites Kelp and Seaweed. This is the 17th year in a row we have seen Kelp in this location – truly…

Thursday 25th April

We had a four hour trip today in cold but favourable conditions. Heading over towards St Michael’s Mount first thing we found lots of feeding shearwaters, guillemots and Manx shearwaters who looked lovely in the morning light. One of the guillemots was a bridled version of the species. We then sailed southwards, getting some good…

Tuesday 23rd April

This morning there was hardly  a breath of wind and we had to get out of the harbour because of the dropping tide, so we went out into the bay and bobbed around for a few hours. Under a gannet in the distance we saw a tall curved dorsal fin surface once – a Risso’s…

Wednesday 17th April

It was very chilly today in that cold northerly wind! Luckily that is forecast to drop overnight and tomorrow looks calm. We had nine passengers on a 3 hour Ocean Discovery this morning, and we had a great sail along the coast. There were lots of grey seals on the island including some juveniles, who…

Sunday 14th April

Just a two hour trip today. At last the sea was flat and we had a really favourable westerly breeze, perfect for sailing almost the whole trip. We were a few hours off low tide, but there were already four seals hauled out on the rocks and several more in the water. There were several …

Saturday 13th April

We had a three hour trip this morning. Sea conditions were better though it was quite quiet for wildlife. We saw some grey seals hauled out on the island and lots of seabirds including good numbers of Manx shearwaters. The light on the sea looked beautiful. There were even more numbers of by-the-wind-sailors around. Jellyfish…

Tuesday 26th March

We had an ocean discovery in the spring sunshine this morning and were joined by eleven passengers. The sea was a bit chopped up in the south westerly wind but at least it was blue! There were lots of seals on the haul out site, both in the water and on the rocks including some…

Saturday 25th November

A chilly grey day today, and conditions weren’t nearly as still and glassy as we were promised! However we had a lovely end of season trip with some fun friendly people on board – thanks for coming guys! Even though it was high tide we saw some seals hauled out on rocks on the island…