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Sightings Blog

wildlife watching

Sunday 21st July

We had a four hour followed by a two hour trip today. The morning was lovely and calm, though the wind got up in the afternoon making the sea pretty choppy. The morning saw a good variety of wildlife, including lots of grey seals, an ocean sunfish, harbour porpoises, common dolphins and then a quick…

Friday 10th May

We had a two rather warm and sunny Ocean Discovery boat trips today. This morning we started the trip with a great northern diver as we left the harbour, then sailed south to look at numerous active gull and gannet groups feeding on the inshore fronts. Following a trail of guillemots and razorbills we found…

Wednesday 22nd November

An unexpected trip at the end of the season, a whole four weeks after our last one during half term! A weather and swell window over the next few days allowed us to  head out with seven passengers to see what we have been missing over the last month. As ever  when you have been…

Wednesday 13th September

We had a four hour followed by a three hour trip today. This morning there were large numbers of harbour porpoises in some big groups spotted. Conditions were lovely and calm, so spotting conditions were perfect. We also saw tuna, grey seals and common dolphins – there were hardly any seabirds around surprisingly. This afternoon…

Monday 17th July

We had a couple of amazing trips today – a two hour private charter for a family this morning, and a four hour Discovery Voyage this afternoon. This morning we saw some fascinating behaviour from the Risso’s dolphins: huge splashes and leaps as well as the more usual sedate surfacing. The birds were very interested…

Monday 26th June

We had two fantastic trips today, with a Discovery Voyage in the morning and an Ocean Discovery trip in the afternoon. This morning we had two species of dolphins spotted, with great encounters with common dolphins and then with Risso’s. Risso’s dolphins can be shy and sedate but in the this instance they were very…

Friday 16th June

We had a fabulous day on the water today with wildlife in great abundance. The morning was hot, calm and (mostly) sunny for our Discovery Voyage trip, and we found common dolphins in five places further offshore. They gave us wonderful views in the silky calm water. Coming inshore we saw loads of Manx shearwaters…