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Sightings Blog

whale watching

Tuesday 29th August

We had three trips today in mainly grey and mizzly conditions. The wildlife was fantastic again though, and the sun came out for the late afternoon Bay Discovery. This morning we had great views of a lunge feeding minke whale, along with scores of common dolphins, bluefin tuna and seabirds including more Cory’s and great…

Monday 28th August

It was a chilly grey day today but we had two awesome trips. A bank holiday whale seems to be becoming a bit of a tradition, and we got one today – a very large minke feeding with common dolphins on this morning’s four hour trip. The northerly wind of the last few days seems…

Wednesday 23rd August

We had another mega long day with two Ocean Discovery trips followed by an evening Bay Discovery. The evenings are starting to draw in. This morning we observed a big feeding event with diving gannets and lots of common dolphins and bluefin tuna – this wasn’t too far out at all. We also had some…

Thursday 17th August

This morning’s passengers were lucky enough to find three minke whales on their Discovery Voyage trip. One of them was the spotty one with a nick out  of its fin which we saw yesterday, and another was a really large individual. They were feeding in an area with harbour porpoises, bluefin tuna and lots of…

Wednesday 16th August

We had an amazing couple of trips today – a four hour Discovery Voyage this morning followed by a two hour Bay Discovery this afternoon. There were cetaceans everywhere we looked this morning – we had great views of two minke whales feeding in the bay this morning, who both came very close to the…

Monday 7th August

We had excellent views today of a minke whale feeding in the bay with common dolphins all day. The minke’s blow was very visible from a fair distance away which caused some initial discussion about the species ID but it was a minke. The bay was full of dolphins in small groups here there and…

Tuesday 1st August

August’s weather started as most of July has gone, with wind, rain and a bit of a sea running. However the wildlife sightings continued to be brilliant. It does seem to be the case that when we get loads of low pressure systems queuing up, it sends it some amazing wildlife. This morning for example,…

Saturday 29th July

Today was a very exciting day at Marine Discovery. So much wind meant that the four hour trip this morning was again shortened to a three hour, however the wildlife sightings were phenomenal. Sailing on the way to the island we found some common dolphins initially before watching the seals on the island. Heading offshore…

Wednesday 26th July

Well what unbelievably awful weather. Luckily for us and our fantastic, hardy guests today, the wildlife sightings were unbelievably awesome. Because of the rain, the four hour was shortened to a three hour trip, though sea conditions weren’t too bad. Right from the outset there were common dolphins everywhere! In fact it’s the most we…

Thursday 20th July

We had two excellent trips today – a four hour followed  by a three hour. The bay was full of common dolphins here there and everywhere, even before we reached Mousehole where we saw several seals hauled out and in the water. Sailing further out we picked up a large pod of Risso’s dolphins, including…