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Sightings Blog

Mount's Bay

Friday 20th October

There was a lull in the weather today and we headed out for a three hour trip with ten passengers on board. When advertising places I said species we’d be looking for included common dolphins, porpoises, bluefin tuna and grey seals – glad to say we saw all of the above! In fact the common…

Tuesday 3rd October

Instead of fog today we had wind – lots of wind! However in the bright blustery conditions, conditions were ok to run a two hour trip and we had an exciting sail (and rather a lot of splash). It was worth it though, because a long way out we spotted some feeding gannets which showed…

Wednesday 8th August

We had the weirdest day of weather today, with more thick murk at the start. This lifted enough for the trip to run in the morning and we had a great time with a local group of youngsters and their families. Lots of them were on a boat for the first time and we found…

Thursday 3rd August

We had a very busy day today with three trips in strong northerly wind. This pushed a lot of those pelagic seabirds which have been feeding in the bay lately further offshore, where we couldn’t go! There were still thousands of Manx shearwaters inshore though, and also some storm petrels and fulmars. We saw common…

Tuesday 25th July

We had a long day today with two 3 hour Ocean Discovery trips followed by a 2 hour Bay Discovery. We saw lots of common dolphins on all three trips. This morning we saw them feeding with gannets and a little seal popped up with them, joining in with their hunting! We also saw harbour…

Wednesday 12th July

Where has summer gone? It’s like October out there! Despite the cool windy conditions today’s passengers were again rewarded for their hardiness and enthusiasm, with common dolphins and Risso’s dolphins on both trips. There appear to be so many Risso’s around at the moment, as we are finding them in multiple spots all in the…

Wednesday 5th July

We had a four hour trip followed by a three hour today, so very busy. This morning we had amazing sightings in generally good conditions, apart from one dramatic squall which swept through when we were further west. We saw lots of Risso’s dolphins in two separate locations, and also multiple groups of common dolphins….

Tuesday 4th July

We had a four hour trip followed by a two hour trip today. As has become “normal” over the last few weeks, we found Risso’s dolphins first thing  – we are starting to recognise some of them now as we get good ID shots, and we have certainly seen some of these individuals in previous…

Friday 30th June

After a fairly good run of weather, June has finished on rather a miserable note with a lumpy westerly sea state and some soggy drizzle! As has been the case the last few days though, the wildlife made up for it this morning, with lots of Risso’s dolphins spotted, a couple of which came over…

Thursday 29th June

We had a three hour Ocean Discovery followed by a four hour Discovery Voyage today – a busy day! This morning we  found multiple groups of Risso’s dolphins – there are certainly a lot around at the moment. There were some younger, darker juveniles who we have seen several times this week, plus some older…