Friday 24th May
We had a lovely three hour trip this afternoon in really calm conditions. Despite the gloom on land, offshore the sun was out. We found three seals hauled out on the island, including our favourites Kelp and Seaweed. This is the 17th year in a row we have seen Kelp in this location – truly…
Wednesday 22nd November
An unexpected trip at the end of the season, a whole four weeks after our last one during half term! A weather and swell window over the next few days allowed us to head out with seven passengers to see what we have been missing over the last month. As ever when you have been…
Thursday 14th September
It definitely feels autumnal out there now despite the still-balmy temperatures. We had a four hour followed by a two hour trip today in breezy grey conditions. This morning we found a large group of common dolphins not too far away, which were swimming and socialising amongst themselves. A few of them did come over…
Tuesday 12th September
The wind built very quickly over lunch today so we did one trip then stopped. There were plenty of dolphins out there, though surfacing very unpredictably, as well as lots of porpoises and grey seals. One of the seals on the island was a female we first noticed in May with a nasty looking fungal…
Tuesday 15th August
It was such a relief today to have sunny calm weather – all day long! And luckily we did because we had 2 three hour trips followed by an evening two hour trip. We saw lots of common dolphins on all three of the trips, along with many hauled out grey seals on the low…
Wednesday 12th July
Where has summer gone? It’s like October out there! Despite the cool windy conditions today’s passengers were again rewarded for their hardiness and enthusiasm, with common dolphins and Risso’s dolphins on both trips. There appear to be so many Risso’s around at the moment, as we are finding them in multiple spots all in the…