Sunday 13th August
More windy and sometimes wet weather today but the wildlife was all there to be found. Many thanks to our awesome staff and guests as ever for braving the conditions to come out and look for it with us. On the Bay Discovery this morning it was actually a bit drier and calmer, and we…
Wednesday 8th August
We had the weirdest day of weather today, with more thick murk at the start. This lifted enough for the trip to run in the morning and we had a great time with a local group of youngsters and their families. Lots of them were on a boat for the first time and we found…
Tuesday 8th August
More delightful summer weather today, with mizzle and murk and by the afternoon a fairly brisk westerly wind. The wildlife made up for it. This morning we had a four hour trip, and we had great views of common dolphins and a really good variety of seabirds, including storm petrels, sandwich terns, Manx, spooty and…
Monday 7th August
We had excellent views today of a minke whale feeding in the bay with common dolphins all day. The minke’s blow was very visible from a fair distance away which caused some initial discussion about the species ID but it was a minke. The bay was full of dolphins in small groups here there and…
Sunday 6th August
After the extremely strong wind of yesterday the weather and sea had calmed down an amazing extent. We had two three hour trips, and had great views of common dolphins on both of them. This morning we found two small groups, and this afternoon quite a few more. There was a large group of seals…
Friday 4th August
We had a typical August day today with a brisk northerly wind , good sailing conditions and plentiful wildlife. The local haul out site suddenly has a lot more seals there than there have been so far this summer, with adult males and females, and little juveniles too. All the seabird chicks which hatched on…
Thursday 3rd August
We had a very busy day today with three trips in strong northerly wind. This pushed a lot of those pelagic seabirds which have been feeding in the bay lately further offshore, where we couldn’t go! There were still thousands of Manx shearwaters inshore though, and also some storm petrels and fulmars. We saw common…
Monday 19th June
It was a little quieter today though this morning we went a long way searching. The sea state was trickier with choppy south westerly waves. There were lots of seabirds out there including manx shearwaters, and some gannets doing a good impression of pelicans standing on an adrift wooden pallet. At the end of the…
Thursday 15th June
We had two Ocean Discovery trips today in calm conditions and hot sun. We saw grey seals down at the island, especially well this morning when they were hauled out on the rocks. We then headed westwards and everything seemed very quiet – until lots of feeding gannets were spotted in the far distance. Underneath…
Tuesday 6th June
Yet more strong easterly breeze today which made spotting conditions challenging. We stuck to more sheltered waters and had two great Ocean Discovery trips in the strong June sunshine. This morning we went eastwards past the Mount to Cudden point and then went sailing across the bay. We found grey seals in three locations, though…