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Sightings Blog

sea safari

Thursday 18th July

Unbroken sunshine and great wildlife sightings all day today. On the morning Ocean Discovery there was very little wind, so great spotting conditions. Very quickly we spotted a couple of Risso’s dolphins who were “logging” at the surface, sleeping. They are very vulnerable to boat collision from fast moving boats and disturbance when they are…

Friday 10th May

We had a two rather warm and sunny Ocean Discovery boat trips today. This morning we started the trip with a great northern diver as we left the harbour, then sailed south to look at numerous active gull and gannet groups feeding on the inshore fronts. Following a trail of guillemots and razorbills we found…

Tuesday 7th May

We had a fully booked Discovery Voyage this morning in bright sunshine. We went round to Land’s End and were treated to a shearwater spectacular of hundreds of them feeding in the tidal races, along with fulmars, kittiwakes and other gulls, gannets and lots of auks. There were also lots of seals hauled out on…

Monday 6th May

A lovely sunny bank holiday and an enthusiastic friendly bunch of people for our Ocean Discovery tour. They were rewarded near the end with a great encounter with some common dolphins, who swam around the boat and bowrode, given everyone some good views. Prior to that it had been rather quiet, though with some nice…

Saturday 4th May

A four hour and a two hour trip today. We were expecting an easterly breeze but it wasn’t as choppy as it could have been, and there was warm sunshine. This morning we explored the coast along to Nanjizal, spotting several grey seals in different places as well as a good variety of seabirds including…

Sightings summary for 2023

I have been looking back over 2023 and made some images to represent our sightings of different species. We recorded cetaceans on 81% of our trips last year, which is an amazing sightings rate. 10252 dolphins, porpoises and whales! We also saw grey seals on most trips, bluefin tuna and ocean sunfish. Each image has…

Sunday 6th August

After the extremely strong wind of yesterday the weather and sea had calmed down an amazing extent. We had two three hour trips, and had great views of common dolphins on both of them. This morning we found two small groups, and this afternoon quite a few more. There was a large group of seals…

Thursday 29th June

We had a three hour Ocean Discovery followed by a four hour Discovery Voyage today – a busy day! This morning we  found multiple groups of Risso’s dolphins – there are certainly a lot around at the moment. There were some younger, darker juveniles who we have seen several times this week, plus some older…

Sunday 18th June

It was cooler and greyer today with a bit more of a breeze, but thankfully we didn’t get any rain or thunder. This morning we went a long way south before we started picking up feeding seabirds and then Duncan spotted some far off splashing – common dolphins! Even when we got close to them…

Thursday 15th June

We had two Ocean Discovery trips today in calm conditions and hot sun. We saw grey seals down at the island, especially well this morning when they were hauled out on the rocks. We then headed westwards and everything seemed very quiet – until lots of feeding gannets were spotted in the far distance. Underneath…