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Sightings Blog

grey seals

Tuesday 26th March

We had an ocean discovery in the spring sunshine this morning and were joined by eleven passengers. The sea was a bit chopped up in the south westerly wind but at least it was blue! There were lots of seals on the haul out site, both in the water and on the rocks including some…

Sunday 24th March

We had an Ocean Discovery trip this morning which was fully booked – always a bonus this early in the season! We decided to head east to see if we could pick up this humpback whale which has been hanging round Porthleven in the late afternoons. However we were too early in the day. We…

Sunday 22nd October

We had two great trips today, a Bay Discovery in the morning and a last minute Ocean Discovery in the afternoon. During the morning the inner part of the bay was alive with hunting porpoises and gannets tracking them, firing into the water like arrows. There were also bluefin tuna down there in the action,…

Wednesday 13th September

We had a four hour followed by a three hour trip today. This morning there were large numbers of harbour porpoises in some big groups spotted. Conditions were lovely and calm, so spotting conditions were perfect. We also saw tuna, grey seals and common dolphins – there were hardly any seabirds around surprisingly. This afternoon…

Monday 11th September

We had two Ocean Discovery trips today on a quiet, grey day. On the morning trip we found common dolphins, had great views of harbour porpoises and saw some hunting bluefin tuna. There were also lots of grey seals hauled out on the island. This afternoon everything was rather sleepy – we saw a couple…

Wednesday 30th August

It was dolphin soup out there today, with masses of common dolphins almost everywhere we went. We started the day with a four hour trip and headed along the coast first to have a look at the sights before heading offshore. With the dolphins we found all the shearwaters we see apart from Balearics –…

Monday 7th August

We had excellent views today of a minke whale feeding in the bay with common dolphins all day. The minke’s blow was very visible from a fair distance away which caused some initial discussion about the species ID but it was a minke. The bay was full of dolphins in small groups here there and…

Friday 4th August

We had a typical August day today with a brisk northerly wind , good sailing conditions and plentiful wildlife. The local haul out site suddenly has a lot more seals there than there have been so far this summer, with adult males and females, and little juveniles too. All the seabird chicks which hatched on…

Thursday 3rd August

We had a very busy day today with three trips in strong northerly wind. This pushed a lot of those pelagic seabirds which have been feeding in the bay lately further offshore, where we couldn’t go! There were still thousands of Manx shearwaters inshore though, and also some storm petrels and fulmars. We saw common…

Thursday 26th July

Yet another four hour trip was reduced to three hours this morning, due to fog this time. That cleared by 10am and we were able to head out. There was plenty of wildlife to see – common dolphins (the Risso’s appear to have moved away now), grey seals, a bluefin tuna leaping right next to…