Thursday 29th June
We had a three hour Ocean Discovery followed by a four hour Discovery Voyage today – a busy day! This morning we found multiple groups of Risso’s dolphins – there are certainly a lot around at the moment. There were some younger, darker juveniles who we have seen several times this week, plus some older…
Monday 26th June
We had two fantastic trips today, with a Discovery Voyage in the morning and an Ocean Discovery trip in the afternoon. This morning we had two species of dolphins spotted, with great encounters with common dolphins and then with Risso’s. Risso’s dolphins can be shy and sedate but in the this instance they were very…
Thursday 22nd June
We had another long day today with a Discovery Voyage in the morning and an Ocean Discovery in the afternoon. This morning we got the first good views we’ve had this year of a couple of ocean sunfish! One was quite large and skittish, but the small one lay at the surface and didn’t seem…
Sunday 18th June
It was cooler and greyer today with a bit more of a breeze, but thankfully we didn’t get any rain or thunder. This morning we went a long way south before we started picking up feeding seabirds and then Duncan spotted some far off splashing – common dolphins! Even when we got close to them…
Friday 16th June
We had a fabulous day on the water today with wildlife in great abundance. The morning was hot, calm and (mostly) sunny for our Discovery Voyage trip, and we found common dolphins in five places further offshore. They gave us wonderful views in the silky calm water. Coming inshore we saw loads of Manx shearwaters…
Sunday 11th June
harbour porpoise surfacing in front of boat This morning’s four hour because a three hour trip after another very foggy start to the day. However it cleared up beautifully and the wind finally shifted round to a westerly direction. Heading out of the bay we had lovely views of a harbour porpoise surfacing repeatedly near…