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Sightings Blog


Wednesday 16th August

We had an amazing couple of trips today – a four hour Discovery Voyage this morning followed by a two hour Bay Discovery this afternoon. There were cetaceans everywhere we looked this morning – we had great views of two minke whales feeding in the bay this morning, who both came very close to the…

Monday 14th August

It was so choppy this morning after the overnight wind that we sadly had to cancel the morning trip. However it did calm down enough and the wind switched through the morning for us to run the afternoon Ocean Discovery, and we had a really good trip. We found grey seals at the island and…

Friday 11th August

Unfortunately we had to cancel yesterday’s trips – we returned to Penzance after an hour in the morning due to more exceptionally dense fog. Very frustrating! However today the fog cleared , and we had a four hour then a three hour trip. This morning there were common dolphins everywhere – they stayed with us…

Tuesday 8th August

More delightful summer weather today, with mizzle and murk and by the afternoon a  fairly brisk westerly wind. The wildlife made up for it. This morning we had a four hour trip, and we had great views of common dolphins and a really good variety of seabirds, including storm petrels, sandwich terns, Manx, spooty and…

Saturday 29th July

Today was a very exciting day at Marine Discovery. So much wind meant that the four hour trip this morning was again shortened to a three hour, however the wildlife sightings were phenomenal. Sailing on the way to the island we found some common dolphins initially before watching the seals on the island. Heading offshore…

Tuesday 25th July

We had a long day today with two 3 hour Ocean Discovery trips followed by a 2 hour Bay Discovery. We saw lots of common dolphins on all three trips. This morning we saw them feeding with gannets and a little seal popped up with them, joining in with their hunting! We also saw harbour…

Friday 21st July

It was another day of great sightings. We had two 3 hour Ocean Discovery trips – it’s starting to get really busy now the holidays are here. This morning we encountered loads of common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins further offshore and another minke whale (no photo this time as it only surfaced once). We also saw…

Wednesday 19th July

We had a four hour trip this morning followed by a two hour Bay Discovery. The four hour  Discovery Voyage was in the best sea conditions we have had for a four hour in a while and the guests had fantastic sightings! We saw Risso’s dolphins along with some tiny new calves, common dolphins also…

Sunday 16th July

More strong wind the last couple of days meant that we cancelled trips and shortened the four hour to a three hour this morning. There was plenty of wildlife to be found though: this morning we saw common dolphins a couple of times and we also had great views of some harbour porpoises swimming very…

Thursday 13th July

Lots more common and Risso’s dolphins today on both our morning and afternoon Ocean Discovery trips. This morning the commons stayed with us for about half an hour as we gently sailed along on the breeze. Sea conditions were much nice than they have been for a while as well. We also saw grey seals…