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Sightings Blog

common dolphins

Wednesday 26th July

Well what unbelievably awful weather. Luckily for us and our fantastic, hardy guests today, the wildlife sightings were unbelievably awesome. Because of the rain, the four hour was shortened to a three hour trip, though sea conditions weren’t too bad. Right from the outset there were common dolphins everywhere! In fact it’s the most we…

Tuesday 25th July

We had a long day today with two 3 hour Ocean Discovery trips followed by a 2 hour Bay Discovery. We saw lots of common dolphins on all three trips. This morning we saw them feeding with gannets and a little seal popped up with them, joining in with their hunting! We also saw harbour…

Sunday 23rd July

After the strong wind of yesterday we had a lumpy sea so we shortened the four hour to a three hour. We had great sightings nonetheless with lots of common dolphins groups spotted, both on the move and feeding. We also had great views of some sleeping Risso’s dolphins – we sat very still and…

Friday 21st July

It was another day of great sightings. We had two 3 hour Ocean Discovery trips – it’s starting to get really busy now the holidays are here. This morning we encountered loads of common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins further offshore and another minke whale (no photo this time as it only surfaced once). We also saw…

Thursday 20th July

We had two excellent trips today – a four hour followed  by a three hour. The bay was full of common dolphins here there and everywhere, even before we reached Mousehole where we saw several seals hauled out and in the water. Sailing further out we picked up a large pod of Risso’s dolphins, including…

Wednesday 19th July

We had a four hour trip this morning followed by a two hour Bay Discovery. The four hour  Discovery Voyage was in the best sea conditions we have had for a four hour in a while and the guests had fantastic sightings! We saw Risso’s dolphins along with some tiny new calves, common dolphins also…

Monday 17th July

We had a couple of amazing trips today – a two hour private charter for a family this morning, and a four hour Discovery Voyage this afternoon. This morning we saw some fascinating behaviour from the Risso’s dolphins: huge splashes and leaps as well as the more usual sedate surfacing. The birds were very interested…

Sunday 16th July

More strong wind the last couple of days meant that we cancelled trips and shortened the four hour to a three hour this morning. There was plenty of wildlife to be found though: this morning we saw common dolphins a couple of times and we also had great views of some harbour porpoises swimming very…

Thursday 13th July

Lots more common and Risso’s dolphins today on both our morning and afternoon Ocean Discovery trips. This morning the commons stayed with us for about half an hour as we gently sailed along on the breeze. Sea conditions were much nice than they have been for a while as well. We also saw grey seals…

Wednesday 12th July

Where has summer gone? It’s like October out there! Despite the cool windy conditions today’s passengers were again rewarded for their hardiness and enthusiasm, with common dolphins and Risso’s dolphins on both trips. There appear to be so many Risso’s around at the moment, as we are finding them in multiple spots all in the…