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Sightings Blog

Wednesday 8th May

We had an Ocean Discovery today on a flat sea with hardly any wind. First of all we watched a great northern diver catch something and devour it – not sure what the victim was, but the diver gave us good views! Further south in a shiny area of plankton we picked up some movement…

Tuesday 7th May

We had a fully booked Discovery Voyage this morning in bright sunshine. We went round to Land’s End and were treated to a shearwater spectacular of hundreds of them feeding in the tidal races, along with fulmars, kittiwakes and other gulls, gannets and lots of auks. There were also lots of seals hauled out on…

Monday 6th May

A lovely sunny bank holiday and an enthusiastic friendly bunch of people for our Ocean Discovery tour. They were rewarded near the end with a great encounter with some common dolphins, who swam around the boat and bowrode, given everyone some good views. Prior to that it had been rather quiet, though with some nice…

Saturday 4th May

A four hour and a two hour trip today. We were expecting an easterly breeze but it wasn’t as choppy as it could have been, and there was warm sunshine. This morning we explored the coast along to Nanjizal, spotting several grey seals in different places as well as a good variety of seabirds including…

Friday 3rd May

A three hour trip today in bright sunshine and a westerly breeze. It feels a little warmer! There were several grey seals hauled out on the island – one group of four were getting very cross with one another as the tide rose and they started jostling for space. Lots of moaning and groaning! We…

Thursday 2nd May

The wind switched to a northerly direction today so it was flatter (though chilly!) In the sunshine we found a small feeding frenzy of common dolphins, with lots of seabirds dipping in from above. We could even clearly the baitfish (sprats? photos weren’t clear enough to tell) jumping to try and escape the carnage. It’s…

Wednesday 1st May

We had a Discovery Voyage this morning. After the strong wind recently conditions were tricky for spotting wildlife but we know it’s out there because Duncan and Josh spotted a minke whale surface in the bay. Is it the same one that’s been hanging around for a while? There were countless seabirds out there, mainly…

Sunday 28th April

We had a four hour trip today in bright cold conditions, perfect for sailing. We spotted two minke whales! One of them was probably the same one as we saw the other day and the second was a small juvenile, who do sometimes appear at this time of year. They were very fast, so no…

Thursday 25th April

We had a four hour trip today in cold but favourable conditions. Heading over towards St Michael’s Mount first thing we found lots of feeding shearwaters, guillemots and Manx shearwaters who looked lovely in the morning light. One of the guillemots was a bridled version of the species. We then sailed southwards, getting some good…

Wednesday 24th April

We saw our first fins in a while today and excitingly one of them was an adult minke whale. We see most of these from July onwards but sometimes do see them in the early spring too. This was spotted by Josh just after we had been watching some resting common dolphins, which were quite…

Tuesday 23rd April

This morning there was hardly  a breath of wind and we had to get out of the harbour because of the dropping tide, so we went out into the bay and bobbed around for a few hours. Under a gannet in the distance we saw a tall curved dorsal fin surface once – a Risso’s…

Monday 22nd April

We had a three hour trip today in nicer conditions than we have had this year so far. It was so amazing to see the sunshine glinting on calm saw! There were plenty of seabirds to be seen and the light was perfect for photography, including so many Manx shearwaters and guillemots, gannets, gulls, fulmars….There…