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Sightings Blog

Penzance boat trips

Thursday 25th August

It was a miserable mizzly morning today so we cancelled the four hour trip and went out for the Bay Discovery trip at 2pm when it cleared up a bit. There were more seals hauled out than we have seen for ages – a mixture of adult males, females and juveniles numbering 15 in total….

Monday 15th July

This morning’s trip was cancelled because of the bad weather but we set off on the Ocean Discovery this afternoon wearing lots of waterproof layers in case of more rain. What a good thing we did, as we had a fairly Biblical downpour. However rain does not affect wildlife sightings, and there were small groups…

Tuesday 25th June

It was a quiet sleepy sort of day today for our two Ocean Discovery trips. This morning we covered a lot of miles offshore and some shearwaters, guillemots, gannets and fulmars, all searching just like we were. A seal popped up in front of the boat who had been hunting several miles offshore. We then…

Monday 10th June

It was a cool and breezy day today, but there was sunshine and a flat sea, so perfect for our Bay Discovery and Ocean Discovery trips. We could see the white waves and the swell further offshore so kept close to the coast. On this morning’s Bay Discovery we sailed past St Michael’s Mount before…

Tuesday 23rd April

This morning there was hardly  a breath of wind and we had to get out of the harbour because of the dropping tide, so we went out into the bay and bobbed around for a few hours. Under a gannet in the distance we saw a tall curved dorsal fin surface once – a Risso’s…

Monday 22nd April

We had a three hour trip today in nicer conditions than we have had this year so far. It was so amazing to see the sunshine glinting on calm saw! There were plenty of seabirds to be seen and the light was perfect for photography, including so many Manx shearwaters and guillemots, gannets, gulls, fulmars….There…

Thursday 18th April

We had such great seabird sightings on today’s Ocean Discovery. Conditions were probably better than they have been so far this spring, with sunshine and calm blue sea (though the breeze was still chilly). There were thousands of Manx shearwaters out there flowing like a current from east to west, gliding past the boat and…

Sightings summary for 2023

I have been looking back over 2023 and made some images to represent our sightings of different species. We recorded cetaceans on 81% of our trips last year, which is an amazing sightings rate. 10252 dolphins, porpoises and whales! We also saw grey seals on most trips, bluefin tuna and ocean sunfish. Each image has…

Sunday 22nd October

We had two great trips today, a Bay Discovery in the morning and a last minute Ocean Discovery in the afternoon. During the morning the inner part of the bay was alive with hunting porpoises and gannets tracking them, firing into the water like arrows. There were also bluefin tuna down there in the action,…

Tuesday 10th October

Back out to sea today after a few days of holiday. The recent balmy sunshine was hidden by mist and murk first thing but it was clear enough to run the Bay Discovery trip. There was lots to see out there with about ten seals spotted on the island, a couple of Portguese men of…