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Sightings Blog

Marine Discovery

Thursday 17th August

This morning’s passengers were lucky enough to find three minke whales on their Discovery Voyage trip. One of them was the spotty one with a nick out  of its fin which we saw yesterday, and another was a really large individual. They were feeding in an area with harbour porpoises, bluefin tuna and lots of…

Tuesday 1st August

August’s weather started as most of July has gone, with wind, rain and a bit of a sea running. However the wildlife sightings continued to be brilliant. It does seem to be the case that when we get loads of low pressure systems queuing up, it sends it some amazing wildlife. This morning for example,…

Saturday 29th July

Today was a very exciting day at Marine Discovery. So much wind meant that the four hour trip this morning was again shortened to a three hour, however the wildlife sightings were phenomenal. Sailing on the way to the island we found some common dolphins initially before watching the seals on the island. Heading offshore…

Wednesday 28th June

We had two Ocean Discovery trips today in dull occasionally drizzly conditions. This afternoon it properly rained – I guess our gardens and reservoirs need it! This morning we spotted a single Risso’s dolphin, which disappeared. Later at the end of the trip we found lots of them and had fantastic views. A little later…