Friday 26th August
It was a day of squalls and rainbows. Luckily the squally bits never lasted long, though we had some fairly sharp showers! This morning on the four hour trip we found harbour porpoises, lots of bowriding common dolphins, grey seals, bluefin tuna, and saw the blow of a large whale. This was too big for a minke so would most likely have been a fin whale (it was quite bushy though so may have been a humpback). The four hour was followed by two Bay Discovery trips, with more dolphins spotted as well as some lovely view of seals. Sadly we saw a seal which has died on the island – it may have been the one which has been looking lethargic and skinny lately. During the last trip, we had a brief visitation from common dolphins then we sailed over towards the Mount which was wreathed in rainbows after a particularly dramatic though short lived squall.