Wednesday 30th August
It was dolphin soup out there today, with masses of common dolphins almost everywhere we went. We started the day with a four hour trip and headed along the coast first to have a look at the sights before heading offshore. With the dolphins we found all the shearwaters we see apart from Balearics –…
Thursday 24th August
There was a lot more northerly wind today which can often push things a long way offshore. The morning four hour trip was quite productive though, with lots of pods of common dolphins spotted along with harbour porpoises, a minke whale and different species of seabirds. On the afternoon three hour things all seemed rather…
Wednesday 23rd August
We had another mega long day with two Ocean Discovery trips followed by an evening Bay Discovery. The evenings are starting to draw in. This morning we observed a big feeding event with diving gannets and lots of common dolphins and bluefin tuna – this wasn’t too far out at all. We also had some…
Tuesday 22nd August
We had a really long day in unbroken sunshine today with a four hour trip, followed by 2 two hour trips. This morning there were small groups of common dolphins everywhere we went. Mostly they were small pods of 4-6 animals, but a few had more like 20 dolphins in them, including a nursery pod…
Friday 18th August
The weather forecastĀ for the rest of today and overnight is looking absolutely terrible, however we were able to sneak out this morning for a Bay Discovery trip before the wind got up and the rain started. We’re really glad we managed it, because we saw lots of common dolphins inshore, some grey seals round…
Thursday 17th August
This morning’s passengers were lucky enough to find three minke whales on their Discovery Voyage trip. One of them was the spotty one with a nick outĀ of its fin which we saw yesterday, and another was a really large individual. They were feeding in an area with harbour porpoises, bluefin tuna and lots of…
Wednesday 16th August
We had an amazing couple of trips today – a four hour Discovery Voyage this morning followed by a two hour Bay Discovery this afternoon. There were cetaceans everywhere we looked this morning – we had great views of two minke whales feeding in the bay this morning, who both came very close to the…
Tuesday 15th August
It was such a relief today to have sunny calm weather – all day long! And luckily we did because we had 2 three hour trips followed by an evening two hour trip. We saw lots of common dolphins on all three of the trips, along with many hauled out grey seals on the low…
Sunday 13th August
More windy and sometimes wet weather today but the wildlife was all there to be found. Many thanks to our awesome staff and guests as ever for braving the conditions to come out and look for it with us. On the Bay Discovery this morning it was actually a bit drier and calmer, and we…
Friday 11th August
Unfortunately we had to cancel yesterday’s trips – we returned to Penzance after an hour in the morning due to more exceptionally dense fog. Very frustrating! However today the fog cleared , and we had a four hour then a three hour trip. This morning there were common dolphins everywhere – they stayed with us…