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Sightings Blog

feeding frenzy

Wednesday 24th July

It was a fantastic day’s wildlife watching today despite less than ideal conditions. The morning was actually ok weather wise and we saw a few common dolphins in small groups from the outset.  What was incredibly dramatic though was a long lasting feeding frenzy going on a little further south. Yes there were scores and…

Monday 15th July

This morning’s trip was cancelled because of the bad weather but we set off on the Ocean Discovery this afternoon wearing lots of waterproof layers in case of more rain. What a good thing we did, as we had a fairly Biblical downpour. However rain does not affect wildlife sightings, and there were small groups…

Sunday 23rd July

After the strong wind of yesterday we had a lumpy sea so we shortened the four hour to a three hour. We had great sightings nonetheless with lots of common dolphins groups spotted, both on the move and feeding. We also had great views of some sleeping Risso’s dolphins – we sat very still and…

Tuesday 18th July

It was a long day today with a four hour followed by a three hour trip. This morning we had some good sailing conditions and we were able to get a long way offshore. However we didn’t need to before we found both common and Risso’s dolphins inshore. The common dolphins bowrode with us for…