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Sightings Blog

dolphin watching

Monday 17th June

What an absolutely cracking day we had today. It seems as though summer has finally arrived with a shift in the airflow and warmer temperatures. In the sea as well, we are starting to see blue jellyfish and ocean sunfish, a sure sign that the fronts have come closer in from offshore. We found three…

Wednesday 12th June

After a couple of weeks of saying “We have normally seen sunfish by now – but there have been none so far” today we saw three in one morning. A decade ago we used to see so many during the summer, but they have been steadily decreasing the last three years or so. We got…

Saturday 1st June

Wow, it’s June already so soon. It was a beautiful day today with hazy sunshine and far less wind. This morning we had a fab Bay Discovery trip – quite soon out of Penzance we spied a mass of feeding birds. These were all sorts, including different species of gulls, a few gannets, shags and…

Monday 27th May

We had an Ocean Discovery followed by a Bay Discovery today. The third trip was postponed until Friday because of the rain. We still had strong wind to contend with, but were able to head out to the productive areas we found yesterday. Seabird activity was again pretty awesome  with flocking shearwaters and diving gannets…

Monday 20th May

Everything was very quiet and sleepy this afternoon, including the weather! Firstly we watched a quiet sleepy seal on the island as the tide rose, before he reluctantly slid back into the water. Further south at one of our very reliable cetacean spots we found a small group of common dolphins, which again were resting…

Friday 17th May

We had a great couple of trips today in almost unbroken sunshine and on calm seas. On the morning Discovery Voyage we saw two minke whales, an juvenile followed later by a large adult feeding with lots of common dolphins and seabirds. This was the first big feeding frenzy we have seen so far this…

Saturday 11th May

We had two Ocean Discovery boat trips today. On the morning tour we found two pods of common dolphins. The first juvenile pod came racing in to bow ride giving a fantastic encounter. We watched the second group, which was made up of mother’s and calves from a distance initially before they also came over…

Sightings summary for 2023

I have been looking back over 2023 and made some images to represent our sightings of different species. We recorded cetaceans on 81% of our trips last year, which is an amazing sightings rate. 10252 dolphins, porpoises and whales! We also saw grey seals on most trips, bluefin tuna and ocean sunfish. Each image has…

Sunday 22nd October

We had two great trips today, a Bay Discovery in the morning and a last minute Ocean Discovery in the afternoon. During the morning the inner part of the bay was alive with hunting porpoises and gannets tracking them, firing into the water like arrows. There were also bluefin tuna down there in the action,…

Saturday 16th September

We had a four hour trip followed by a two hour trip today is steadily worsening weather conditions! It started off bright and sunny though, and we had some lovely encounters with grey seals, common dolphins, harbour porpoises and bluefin tuna. One of the passengers described the dolphins as “millions” – there weren’t quite that…