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Sightings Blog

dolphin watching Cornwall

Saturday 11th May

We had two Ocean Discovery boat trips today. On the morning tour we found two pods of common dolphins. The first juvenile pod came racing in to bow ride giving a fantastic encounter. We watched the second group, which was made up of mother’s and calves from a distance initially before they also came over…

Sunday 22nd October

We had two great trips today, a Bay Discovery in the morning and a last minute Ocean Discovery in the afternoon. During the morning the inner part of the bay was alive with hunting porpoises and gannets tracking them, firing into the water like arrows. There were also bluefin tuna down there in the action,…

Sunday 3rd September

Once again we saw hundreds of common dolphins throughout the day. We found harbour porpoises on both the morning and afternoon tours and saw sleepy grey seals in the morning. The bird life was once again spectacular as well as the usual suspects we also saw Cory’s, great and sooty shearwaters on both the morning…

Saturday 26th August

These long August days are continuing – a three hour trip this morning followed by two 2-hour trips this afternoon. We saw a really good variety of wildlife. We sailed towards the Runnelstone on the northwesterly wind this morning and found lots of harbour porpoises feeding, common dolphins, tuna and lots of seabirds. On the…

Thursday 26th July

Yet another four hour trip was reduced to three hours this morning, due to fog this time. That cleared by 10am and we were able to head out. There was plenty of wildlife to see – common dolphins (the Risso’s appear to have moved away now), grey seals, a bluefin tuna leaping right next to…

Tuesday 25th July

We had a long day today with two 3 hour Ocean Discovery trips followed by a 2 hour Bay Discovery. We saw lots of common dolphins on all three trips. This morning we saw them feeding with gannets and a little seal popped up with them, joining in with their hunting! We also saw harbour…