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Sightings Blog


Thursday 20th July

We had two excellent trips today – a four hour followed  by a three hour. The bay was full of common dolphins here there and everywhere, even before we reached Mousehole where we saw several seals hauled out and in the water. Sailing further out we picked up a large pod of Risso’s dolphins, including…

Monday 17th July

We had a couple of amazing trips today – a two hour private charter for a family this morning, and a four hour Discovery Voyage this afternoon. This morning we saw some fascinating behaviour from the Risso’s dolphins: huge splashes and leaps as well as the more usual sedate surfacing. The birds were very interested…

Thursday 13th July

Lots more common and Risso’s dolphins today on both our morning and afternoon Ocean Discovery trips. This morning the commons stayed with us for about half an hour as we gently sailed along on the breeze. Sea conditions were much nice than they have been for a while as well. We also saw grey seals…

Tuesday 11th July

We had two Ocean Discovery trips today, and despite windy choppy conditions, we had some fantastic sightings. This morning we were joined by some common dolphins as we sailed southwards and we also spotted some porpoises. They were hard to spot in the challenging sea conditions, but it seemed like there were quite a few….

Wednesday 5th July

We had a four hour trip followed by a three hour today, so very busy. This morning we had amazing sightings in generally good conditions, apart from one dramatic squall which swept through when we were further west. We saw lots of Risso’s dolphins in two separate locations, and also multiple groups of common dolphins….

Tuesday 4th July

We had a four hour trip followed by a two hour trip today. As has become “normal” over the last few weeks, we found Risso’s dolphins first thing  – we are starting to recognise some of them now as we get good ID shots, and we have certainly seen some of these individuals in previous…

Sunday 2nd July

It was very windy yesterday so it was the right choice for a day off. Back on the water today with a four hour then a three hour trip. This morning we spotted some Risso’s dolphins as we headed out of the bay – they were in quite an elusive mood but we did get…

Friday 30th June

After a fairly good run of weather, June has finished on rather a miserable note with a lumpy westerly sea state and some soggy drizzle! As has been the case the last few days though, the wildlife made up for it this morning, with lots of Risso’s dolphins spotted, a couple of which came over…

Wednesday 28th June

We had two Ocean Discovery trips today in dull occasionally drizzly conditions. This afternoon it properly rained – I guess our gardens and reservoirs need it! This morning we spotted a single Risso’s dolphin, which disappeared. Later at the end of the trip we found lots of them and had fantastic views. A little later…