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Sightings Blog

common dolphins

Sightings summary for 2023

I have been looking back over 2023 and made some images to represent our sightings of different species. We recorded cetaceans on 81% of our trips last year, which is an amazing sightings rate. 10252 dolphins, porpoises and whales! We also saw grey seals on most trips, bluefin tuna and ocean sunfish. Each image has…

Wednesday 25th October

After today half term is going to get  pretty windy, so we were pleased to have two trips today. This morning’s Ocean Discovery passengers saw large groups of harbour porpoises feeding with gannets – they were even leaping and breaching like dolphins as they charged around after fish. We also had lovely views of seals…

Tuesday 24th October

It was very choppy today after the windy weather yesterday and overnight, so trips were just two hours long. This morning spotting conditions were very tricky – we saw bluefin tuna, seals in the water and some brief porpoises. We also had great views of a Portuguese Man of War. Seabird sightings included razorbills, guillemots,…

Sunday 22nd October

We had two great trips today, a Bay Discovery in the morning and a last minute Ocean Discovery in the afternoon. During the morning the inner part of the bay was alive with hunting porpoises and gannets tracking them, firing into the water like arrows. There were also bluefin tuna down there in the action,…

Saturday 23rd September

We had an Ocean Discovery followed by a Bay Discovery trip today in an increasingly blustery southerly wind. This morning it started off fairly calm, and we had great views of a pair of porpoises as they swam past the boat. Later on we found various small groups of common dolphins scattered through the bay,…

Thursday 21st September

We were back on the water today after a very windy and wet few days. There was still a big chunky swell running, but conditions were ok to do two Ocean Discovery trips. The windy interlude did not affect wildlife sightings – there were plenty of common dolphins to be found, and we had great…

Wednesday 13th September

We had a four hour followed by a three hour trip today. This morning there were large numbers of harbour porpoises in some big groups spotted. Conditions were lovely and calm, so spotting conditions were perfect. We also saw tuna, grey seals and common dolphins – there were hardly any seabirds around surprisingly. This afternoon…

Sunday 3rd September

Once again we saw hundreds of common dolphins throughout the day. We found harbour porpoises on both the morning and afternoon tours and saw sleepy grey seals in the morning. The bird life was once again spectacular as well as the usual suspects we also saw Cory’s, great and sooty shearwaters on both the morning…

Friday 1st September

After the cancellations yesterday due to the foul weather we had an extra long day today, with two Ocean Discovery trips and a postponed Bay Discovery at the end of the day. Sightings were brilliant on all three. On both the three hour trips we saw common dolphins and grey seals, and we had a…

Friday 11th August

Unfortunately we had to cancel yesterday’s trips – we returned to Penzance after an hour in the morning due to more exceptionally dense fog. Very frustrating! However today the fog cleared , and we had a four hour then a three hour trip. This morning there were common dolphins everywhere – they stayed with us…