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Sightings Blog

Visit Cornwall

Sunday 2nd September

What a couple of trips we had today in spite of (or maybe because of) the misty conditions, and with some really friendly and interested passengers. I do love September! Dolphins here, dolphins there, dolphins literally everywhere. Leaping tuna in the morning, shearwaters (again four species spotted), grey seals, harbour porpoises. This afternoon we had…

Monday 26th August

The wind calmed a lot today though there were still some splashy waves out there. The wildlife was all there though – common dolphins, grey seals, seabirds and a porpoise on the first Ocean Discovery trip. On the second three hour trip, we spotted several more seals bobbing around in the water before going a…

Wednesday 14th August

Today was one of those days when the harbour porpoises completely outshone the dolphins. They were feeding energetically in large pods, and because at this time of year they are eating shoaling fish like the dolphins, this appears to give them more free time. And what do they do with this free time….they become much…

Sunday 14th July

Amazingly calm sea this morning and a pearly grey sky made for great spotting conditions. We didn’t have to go too far before we saw our first harbour porpoises, again including a mum and calf. We saw several more groups through the morning as well as several different groups of common dolphins. There were a…

Thursday 11th July

We had a great day today with two Ocean Discovery trips, lots of wildlife spotted and some big happy smiles. This morning we found a big pod of harbour porpoises in an area we used to find them frequently. They were feeding with some gannets and Josh managed to snap some of the fish in…

Sunday 30th June

Today felt cold! We had a four hour then a three hour trip, and the four hour this morning was surprisingly quiet. We saw a variety of seabirds including gannets, shearwaters, lots of terns and kittiwakes. There were a few seals bottleing round the island, and we saw the splash of a breaching sunfish. This…

Wednesday 26th June

It was a mega busy day today in beautiful conditions. The first of the three trips set off in mirror calm conditions so we were hopeful for some good sightings. We soon got those with some lovely views of harbour porpoises – these diminutive cetaceans are so much easier to spot in calm conditions and…

Saturday 22nd June

We had a couple of great trips today, a Bay Discovery this morning and a Discovery Voyage this afternoon. This morning we headed out into the middle of the bay largely under sail, and started to pick up bits of sealife about four miles south. Firstly a glimpse of a porpoises, then a common dolphin…

Friday 21st June

Today’s conditions could not have been more different to yesterday. With an increasing south westerly wind chopping up the sea, and grey skies threatening rain (but holding off) we just did the morning Ocean Discovery. We saw some grey seals including old faithful Kelp hauled out on the island as well as a variety of…

Thursday 20th June

It was a truly lovely day in Mount’s Bay today, with the sea as calm as it has been this year and a host of wonderful wildlife to find. On this morning’s Ocean Discovery we found a couple of seals resting on the island then were delighted to spot a harbour porpoise, just as we…