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Sightings Blog


Wednesday 3rd July

We had the second class of Year 2 children from the local primary school today – 3 x 90 minute trips and they all did very well in the occasionally drizzly blustery conditions. All three groups had great views of seven seals hauled out on the rocks and in the water, and lots of seabirds….

Monday 1st July

July already. It didn’t particularly feel like it out there though – people  had their woolly hats on! On the Ocean Discovery this morning we found a pod of  three porpoises in the bay. They surfaced several times, giving everyone good views. We also saw a non breeding puffin, and a family of guillemots; mum,…

Friday 28th June

This morning’s Ocean Discovery trip was cold, grey and choppy but the wildlife made up for it. We had a tip there were lots of dolphins further south so headed that way quickly, but everything seemed quiet. We then sailed westwards into the bouncy sea, and suddenly lots of common dolphins rushed up and surrounded…

Thursday 20th June

It was a truly lovely day in Mount’s Bay today, with the sea as calm as it has been this year and a host of wonderful wildlife to find. On this morning’s Ocean Discovery we found a couple of seals resting on the island then were delighted to spot a harbour porpoise, just as we…

Wednesday 19th June

It was a quieter day today though we covered a wide area of sea searching. This morning on the Bay Discovery we saw grey seals hauled out who were striking a variety of poses – a male, a female and a juvenile for a bit of balance. We then sailed across the bay on the…

Tuesday 18th June

We had a four hour trip this morning in windy conditions. The sea was flat though so we were able to head round into the Land’s End area, where the coast and sea colour looked amazing in the sunshine. We saw a couple of ocean sunfish (it’s so great to be finding them again), grey…

Sunday 16th June

It seems as though there are a few sunfish around at the moment. On Sunday afternoon’s Bay Discovery trip, though things were generally very quiet feeling in terms of birdlife and cetaceans, we saw a medium sized sunfish as we sailed across the Bay. This was travelling at the surface so we could see its…

Wednesday 12th June

After a couple of weeks of saying “We have normally seen sunfish by now – but there have been none so far” today we saw three in one morning. A decade ago we used to see so many during the summer, but they have been steadily decreasing the last three years or so. We got…

Tuesday 11th June

Our Discovery Voyage trip this morning was very productive, with perfect sailing conditions and sunny weather – though still cold! We had a great encounter with common dolphins further out, and Duncan spotted a minke whale though it was too quick for the passengers to see. Close to the coast we found a group of…

Monday 10th June

It was a cool and breezy day today, but there was sunshine and a flat sea, so perfect for our Bay Discovery and Ocean Discovery trips. We could see the white waves and the swell further offshore so kept close to the coast. On this morning’s Bay Discovery we sailed past St Michael’s Mount before…