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Sightings Blog

marine life

Sunday 22nd September

It was really gloomy today for our Ocean Discovery and Bay Discovery trips, but all things considered we were really lucky not to get wet, especially after yesterday’s thunderstorms. We had a couple of excellent trips with some really good wildlife sightings. This morning we very quickly spotted something round jumping repeatedly out of the…

Tuesday 15th August

It was such a relief today to have sunny calm weather – all day long! And luckily we did because we had 2 three hour trips followed by an evening two hour trip. We saw lots of common dolphins on all three of the trips, along with many hauled out grey seals on the low…

Wednesday 28th June

We had two Ocean Discovery trips today in dull occasionally drizzly conditions. This afternoon it properly rained – I guess our gardens and reservoirs need it! This morning we spotted a single Risso’s dolphin, which disappeared. Later at the end of the trip we found lots of them and had fantastic views. A little later…