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Sightings Blog


Sunday 18th August

We had a couple of awesome trips today. The morning Discovery Voyage passengers saw lots and lots of porpoises again, as well as grey seals and a couple of groups of common dolphins. Conditions were sunnier in the morning, and it clouded over and the wind built for the afternoon. After watching the seals bobbing…

Saturday 17th August

It was supposed to be a day off today but we put on a couple of late notice trips because of the windy days we have lost this week. It started off beautifully calm with some sunshine and we found some  grey seals initially. Heading further south we spotted a group of common dolphins who…

Friday 9th August

We had a spectacular day on the water today with awe inspiring sightings on both our morning Ocean Discovery and afternoon Discovery Voyage trips. We quickly spotted a big feeding frenzy of gannets from a distance first thing and as expected, underneath there were lots of hunting common dolphins. Amongst the gannets and dolphins there…

Wednesday 7th August

It was a long day with two Ocean Discovery trips and an evening Bay Discovery,  and there was lots of wildlife around to wish Josh happy birthday. There were common dolphins around all day, though we had to go a long way to find them on the afternoon Ocean Discovery. However we did find two…

Saturday 3rd August

We had a Discovery Voyage this morning followed by a private three hour charter this afternoon. After the strong wind of yesterday and overnight there was quite a chunky swell running but the wind had switched northwesterly, so conditions weren’t too bad at all. In the bay first off we found masses of common dolphins…

Wednesday 31st July

It was day of flat seas, hot sunshine  and superb sightings today. It didn’t take long until we found our first cetaceans, and there were absolutely loads of them. These were harbour porpoises and I’m not sure we have ever seen so many in the bay. They are even out dolphin-ing the dolphins and it’s…

Tuesday 30th July

On this morning’s three hour Ocean Discovery tour we saw our first big feeding frenzies of bluefin tuna of the summer. This is an amazing sight (and sound!), as the tuna rush around hunting prey, and making the water look as though it is boiling. Occasionally they launch themselves out of the water and you…

Saturday 27th July

What a mega long day  – we had two full Ocean Discovery trips followed by an evening Bay Discovery. During the morning we found lots of common dolphins and had great views also of a minke whale! Not a bad start to National Whale and Dolphin Watch 2024. We also saw seabirds including lots of…

Thursday 25th August

It was a miserable mizzly morning today so we cancelled the four hour trip and went out for the Bay Discovery trip at 2pm when it cleared up a bit. There were more seals hauled out than we have seen for ages – a mixture of adult males, females and juveniles numbering 15 in total….

Wednesday 24th July

It was a fantastic day’s wildlife watching today despite less than ideal conditions. The morning was actually ok weather wise and we saw a few common dolphins in small groups from the outset.  What was incredibly dramatic though was a long lasting feeding frenzy going on a little further south. Yes there were scores and…