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Saturday 28th September

harbour porpoise

We had what might be our last long day of the season today with a four hour followed by a three hour trip. There was some rolling swell, but wind conditions were nice and calm which meant we could easily see the wildlife around. There were astonishing numbers of porpoises around all day, in large groups feeding and travelling. There must be hundreds in the inner bay area at the moment, and they areĀ  really confident and inquisitive. It has been the best month for porpoises we have had for years, and that’s saying something! There were also some large tuna jumping very close to shore and a brief encounter with a small group of common dolphins. The Ocean Discovery in the afternoon was very similar, with even larger numbers of porpoises and the dolphins showed themselves a bit better too. There were also lots of diving gannets and some seals round the island.

That’s September done. Batten down the hatches for tomorrow.