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Sightings Blog

minke whale

Thursday 1st August

On this afternoon’s four hour trip, we saw the most amazing feeding frenzies of hundreds of bluefin tuna! Up until we saw the accompanying thousands of seabirds, things had been rather quiet inshore, so we headed off south and west. The seabirds gradually hove into view and they included gannets, all manner of gulls, Manx…

Monday 29th July

What a day we had on the water today. It started so calm that the sea’s surface was like a mirror. This gave us awesome through-the-water views of not only the hundreds of common dolphins, but also harbour porpoises. It seems that by this stage of the summer, the porpoises are feeding more efficiently which…

Friday 19th July

Another long day today with a four hour trip followed by a three hour. This morning the weather was better, and the sun even peeped through at times. A few very tricky dolphins and a porpoise were spotted at the start of the trip, as well  as a couple of seals. We got much better…

Thursday 18th July

Unbroken sunshine and great wildlife sightings all day today. On the morning Ocean Discovery there was very little wind, so great spotting conditions. Very quickly we spotted a couple of Risso’s dolphins who were “logging” at the surface, sleeping. They are very vulnerable to boat collision from fast moving boats and disturbance when they are…

Wednesday 17th July

We had a really varied day today.This morning we had our annual visit from a freediving club who like to combine a bit of a sail and wildlife watch with some underwater exploration. While we were looking for wildlife before the dive we found lots of common dolphins with feeding seabirds, harbour porpoises and glimpsed…

Wednesday 26th July

Well what unbelievably awful weather. Luckily for us and our fantastic, hardy guests today, the wildlife sightings were unbelievably awesome. Because of the rain, the four hour was shortened to a three hour trip, though sea conditions weren’t too bad. Right from the outset there were common dolphins everywhere! In fact it’s the most we…

Thursday 20th July

We had two excellent trips today – a four hour followed  by a three hour. The bay was full of common dolphins here there and everywhere, even before we reached Mousehole where we saw several seals hauled out and in the water. Sailing further out we picked up a large pod of Risso’s dolphins, including…