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Sightings Blog


Tuesday 21st May

As can be the way of May, there was a bit of a quiet afternoon today, after the boom of the last few days. We were on the wrong tide for seals, so they were all elsewhere, but there were some seabirds to see. Nesting season is in full swing. It did feel a little…

Monday 20th May

Everything was very quiet and sleepy this afternoon, including the weather! Firstly we watched a quiet sleepy seal on the island as the tide rose, before he reluctantly slid back into the water. Further south at one of our very reliable cetacean spots we found a small group of common dolphins, which again were resting…

Saturday 11th May

We had two Ocean Discovery boat trips today. On the morning tour we found two pods of common dolphins. The first juvenile pod came racing in to bow ride giving a fantastic encounter. We watched the second group, which was made up of mother’s and calves from a distance initially before they also came over…

Friday 10th May

We had a two rather warm and sunny Ocean Discovery boat trips today. This morning we started the trip with a great northern diver as we left the harbour, then sailed south to look at numerous active gull and gannet groups feeding on the inshore fronts. Following a trail of guillemots and razorbills we found…

Tuesday 7th May

We had a fully booked Discovery Voyage this morning in bright sunshine. We went round to Land’s End and were treated to a shearwater spectacular of hundreds of them feeding in the tidal races, along with fulmars, kittiwakes and other gulls, gannets and lots of auks. There were also lots of seals hauled out on…

Saturday 4th May

A four hour and a two hour trip today. We were expecting an easterly breeze but it wasn’t as choppy as it could have been, and there was warm sunshine. This morning we explored the coast along to Nanjizal, spotting several grey seals in different places as well as a good variety of seabirds including…

Thursday 2nd May

The wind switched to a northerly direction today so it was flatter (though chilly!) In the sunshine we found a small feeding frenzy of common dolphins, with lots of seabirds dipping in from above. We could even clearly the baitfish (sprats? photos weren’t clear enough to tell) jumping to try and escape the carnage. It’s…

Monday 22nd April

We had a three hour trip today in nicer conditions than we have had this year so far. It was so amazing to see the sunshine glinting on calm saw! There were plenty of seabirds to be seen and the light was perfect for photography, including so many Manx shearwaters and guillemots, gannets, gulls, fulmars….There…

Saturday 20th April

We had our firstĀ  four hour sail of the season this morning in rather more easterly wind thanĀ  was forecast. It built behind us as we sailed into the Land’s End area, where it was much calmer and we saw lots of bird life including some feeding Manx shearwaters, as well as some grey seals….

Wednesday 17th April

It was very chilly today in that cold northerly wind! Luckily that is forecast to drop overnight and tomorrow looks calm. We had nine passengers on a 3 hour Ocean Discovery this morning, and we had a great sail along the coast. There were lots of grey seals on the island including some juveniles, who…