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Sightings Blog

bluefin tuna

Friday 1st November

Today was definitely the busiest November day we have ever had, with two Ocean Discovery trips. It was a grey gloomy day but the fog stayed away and we had some great sightings. On boat trips we saw lots of grey seals, bluefin tuna feeding and leaping and absolutely loads of common dolphins again. These…

Wednesday 30th October

We had an Ocean Discovery trip this afternoon with a mixture of locals and some late season visitors. It was a very similar day to yesterday with lots of common dolphins and bluefin tuna feeding inshore, along with all sorts of seabirds. These included gannets and gulls of course, and four species of shearwaters again….

Tuesday 29th October

It’s all still going on out there. This afternoon there was so much life in the bay and we had a wonderful trip, with some very happy people aboard. There were multiple areas where bluefin tuna were busting up at the surface, accompanied by screaming seabirds taking advantage of the fleeing fish – gannets, herring…

Wednesday 23rd October

We had a three hour trip with eleven passengers this morning in an increasing southerly wind. The wildlife was a bit awkward to photograph today as it was unpredictable and the waves were a bit choppy but we managed to spot harbour porpoises (who were hunting deep so only surfacing intermittently), bluefin tuna and some…

Thursday 17th October

It was bright and mild today but breezy with a bit of a swell. On our Ocean Discovery trip this morning we saw two groups of grey seals hauled out on the island as the tide got lower – as it was a really big spring tide it got very low indeed. These were a…

Monday 14th October

Today was living proof that you don’t need sunshine and calm blue seas to have an amazing trip. We took some students from Cornwall College Newquay out this afternoon, and there were grey skies, a bit of mizzle and some rolling southwesterly swell. However the sightings were fantastic. After watching a couple of seals bobbing…

Saturday 12th October

It was a dark, dingy morning but the rain held off for our Bay Discovery trip. There was a small juvenile seal tucked away on a rock on the island, and some big bluefin tuna jumping near Lamorna. Autumn is really the time to be seeing their antics from the shore – all along the…

Monday 23rd September

We had a great day today with some of the Master’s students from Exeter University, who came out on the boat to try to spot some marine vertebrates. They certainly did that. We started off with some amazing views of bluefin tuna – real whoppers were breaching close inshore near some fishing boats. We also…

Monday 16th September

After a murky start this morning it turned into a beautiful atmospheric day. There was no wind at all, and banks of mist hanging around which slowly cleared. This morning we were really pleased to find large numbers of common dolphins around again, after a quiet few days. There was a large group of about…

Friday 13th September

The wind finally calmed today which was very welcome. On the first Ocean Discovery trip we had an amazing encounter with a single Risso’s dolphin. We initially spotted it sleeping, then waited stationary for a few moments and then it surprised us by noisily appearing right next to the boat. In the still conditions the…