Marine Discovery and the Environment
As a company we aim to give people an unforgettable experience of West Cornwall’s marine environment while having as little negative impact as possible. Our fast sailing catamaran has been chosen to minimise our environmental impact while still enabling us to cover large distances and give an unforgettable experience.

We use a sailing catamaran which means we use a minimal amount of fuel and introduce and create minimal acoustic disturbance. Cetaceans rely on acoustics to communicate and hunt so by introducing less noise we are minimising our impact upon them.
We use biocide free anti foul. Traditional anti foul is highly toxic to the marine environment. Biocide free anit foul removes the toxic element.
We have set up our own code of conduct specifically tailored to our area which meets all the recommendations set out by leading marine conservation organisations with regards to watching marine wildlife, while not impacting upon its natural behaviour.
We collect a vast range of data during our trips to further our own research and to help other organisations to conduct their research.
We report all our significant sightings to the relevant agencies to allow them to build up a picture of the marine ecosystem.
We collect plastic bag and other litter dangerous to marine wildlife.
We report incidences of pollution that we observe.
We support leading marine conservation organisations and we are members of the RSPB. We have worked with representatives from Organisation Cetacea, the Marine Connection, the Marine Conservation Society, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Plymouth Universtiy, National Oceanographic Centre and Exeter University, Falmouth Marine School, Exeter University Sustainability Institute.
We have WiSe Master accreditation which means we are recognised as wildlife safe operators.
We founded the Cornwall Marine Life Boat Operators group. An organisation dedicated to creating a sustainable future for wildlife watching in Cornwall.
We are based within easy walking distance of the bus and train station. Many of our customers take advantage of these convenient and environmentally responsible public transport links.
All our leaflets and posters are printed on FSC recycled paper using vegetable based inks and are produced by Headland Printers who are a Penzance based firm.
Where possible we use local companies for all our needs.
We recycle as much of our waste as is currently possible and choose the materials that we use carefully with a view to producing minimal waste.
We are developing an extensive education program and offer education establishments discounts to pass on our ethos to future generations.
We offer free talks to local education establishments to pass on what we do and why we do it.